With WordPress security on my mind, I urge you to update your plugins and take other steps to protect your website!

Amélie, the founder of Castle Builder Design, has been constructing a wide variety of websites for two decades. She manages all projects and specializes in crafting visually compelling yet clear-eyed designs, all the while taming open source software. She sees a successful website as a puzzle solved through the seamless integration of its two vital elements: beauty and function. Amélie was the membership coordinator Webgrrls NYC for several years and enjoys baking.
With WordPress security on my mind, I urge you to update your plugins and take other steps to protect your website!
Recently, I caught some bugs. Not real bugs—well, maybe I also caught a few fruit flies that found their way in with the produce—but software bugs. I am happy to report in both cases, the bugs were squashed.
At Castle Builder, we help clients understand what their website can do—what it needs to do—then make that happen.
Thanks to everyone—in person or in spirit—who helped celebrate Castle Builder Design’s 15 Year Anniversary in January! We had a lovely celebration at Sala One Nine.
Castle Builder Design is 14 years old today! Thank you to our clients, family, and friends for your support.
We love working with real-world dreamers—from small businesses trying something new to thriving enterprises expanding into unknown territory.
If you have a website with images you’d like shared, you should be taking advantage of Rich Pins.
Castle Builder Design is a WordPress expert! While we love designing new WordPress sites and custom themes, we also work with clients with existing WordPress websites that are giving them grief. Our services range from style tweaks and page templates to resolving plugin conflicts and security issues. Some of these clients have included: Sara Eckel, It’s Not You1913… Continue reading WordPress Problems?
It is vital to enhance your online presence by using social media. Recently, Instagram has been on my mind.
Custom Fields in Wordpress can be really useful. The default editing interface for them? Not so much…
A website redesign is a no-brainer when your company rebrands or your service or products change, but there are other times when an investment in redesigning is due.
When I find a good plugin that solves a specific problem, I’m happy to share! One of my current favorite Wordpress add-ons is Post Thumbnail Editor.
MailChimp makes its Automatic CSS Inliner Tool available to everyone, not just its customers. (Though, hey, check out MailChimp if you are looking for an email marketing provider!) So you have a pretty webpage, and you’d like to send it out as an html email. Not so fast… Coding an email is not the same as coding a… Continue reading Quick Tip: CSS Inliner Tool
Castle Builder worked with the existing French Women Don’t Get Fat website design, optimizing it for mobile.
While there is no way to know exactly what Google has up its sleeves, we know the next algorithm change will have a mobile focus.
Have you ever posted a link to Facebook and been frustrated that no image appears or an outdated picture pops up?
Sincere thanks goes out to all of Castle Builder’s clients and friends for your support over these years. I couldn’t have done it without you!
Migrating a Drupal site? We’ve been there. Very careful planning, backups and following upgrade directions exactly is key. More tips inside!
Ever wonder how to get your icon to show up next to your comments on many blogs?
There is some email content coming in from companies or organizations that we actually want. How do we manage it?
Email marketers have much more competition for readers’ attention these days. How do you keep subscribers on your list, when they’re oversaturated with emails?
I’ve compiled a list of responsive design resources with tools, templates, and examples to share with those interested in creating responsive designs for websites.
We are excited to start the Castle Builder Blog to talk about our experiences, discuss our thoughts on the current state of the internet, and share a few tips and tricks.
Did you know that we design html emails for marketing campaigns, fundraising initiatives, newsletters and more?